Digital Divide in Lasallian University Teachers in Latin America during Pandemic by COVID-19


  • María Anabell Covarrubias-Díaz-Couder
  • Felipe Gaytán-Alcalá
  • Cecilia Vallejos-Parás
  • Celina Gastelum-Acosta
  • Judite Sanson de Bem
  • Margarita Rosa Rendón-Fernández



Digital gap, Social gap, Higher Education, University Teaching with the use of technologies, Latin America Comparative Educational Research, COVID-19


Prior to the health emergency by COVID-19, educators had a differential use of technology in their teaching processes. While some integrated the digital dimension into their sessions through platforms, software and digital meetings; others simply saw it as distant. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, the teaching staff had a hasty learning under the requirement to complete the school year. For their part, Higher Education Institutions intensified training courses, if this would lead to their efficient use. In addition to the stress that this educational process brought with it for teachers, the emotional and family spaces were disrupted, among other issues, by the work schedules and spaces. Moreover, the cost of the intensive use of technology was transferred to teachers (internet, electricity, equipment, or digital resources), which deepened the precariousness of their work. This study is part of an international comparative education research, with a mixed approach, which aims to analyze the technological strategies of teachers from since COVID-19 started, which can support to reduce the digital gap in the educational field. In this article we present part of the findings of the first stage, which includes the construction and validation of the methodological instrument. Specifically, the results of the pilot test of the questionnaire are discussed. 24 responses were obtained from Lasallian High School Teachers from Brazil (5), Colombia (3), Peru (1) and Mexico (15). Among the findings, regarding validation, semantic differences were found in linguistic terms depending on the geographical regions of the Lasallian Universities. Regarding the appropriation and management of technology, it was found that the teachers applied strategies to shorten the digital gap and that their family environment was modified by the sudden change to virtuality.


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Author Biographies

María Anabell Covarrubias-Díaz-Couder

Administrator with research activities. Research Coordination. Northwestern La Salle University

Felipe Gaytán-Alcalá

Researcher at La Salle University, Mexico. PhD in Sociology from El Colegio de México

Cecilia Vallejos-Parás

Professor with research activities at La Salle University, Mexico. PhD in Social Sciences from the Autonomous Metropolitan University

Celina Gastelum-Acosta

Professor-researcher at the Universidad de la Salle Colombia. Master in Chemistry Teaching

Judite Sanson de Bem

Professor with research activities at Universidade La Salle - UNILASALLE/Canoas, Brazil. Postdoctoral Human Geography

Margarita Rosa Rendón-Fernández

Professor-researcher at the Universidad de la Salle Colombia. Master in Chemistry Teaching


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How to Cite

Covarrubias-Díaz-Couder, M. A., Gaytán-Alcalá, F., Vallejos-Parás, C., Gastelum-Acosta, C., Sanson de Bem, J., & Rendón-Fernández, M. R. (2023). Digital Divide in Lasallian University Teachers in Latin America during Pandemic by COVID-19. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (14), e2022n14a5.