Digital Knowledge Production in Education from a Gender Perspective


  • Silvia Ochoa Ayala UPIICSA Instituto Politécnico Nacional



Technological Training, Women, School Practices, Higher Education


In this study, we sought to identify the way in which young polytechnic women produce knowledge from the digital environment, understanding that the digital is a means to produce that is articulated with the way in which a form of production is legitimized: the androcentric one. Twenty young people were interviewed whose ages fluctuate between 20 and 24 years old, they receive their academic training at the Advanced School of Computer Systems Engineering) and at the Computer Engineering, Social Sciences and Administration Professional. Through the narration of their experiences during their student life, 6 categories of analysis were constructed: a) Experience during high school, b) Transition from high school to higher education, c) Relationship with teachers, d) School environment and relationship with peers, e) Epistemic violence and f) Harassment. It was identified that the young women receive a high degree of epistemic violence throughout their education, which begins at the baccalaureate level and continues in higher education, with one of its indicators being the small number of women in these careers, in addition to the expression of mistreatment reported by the young women. On the other hand, it was observed that both schools showed differences in the intensity of violence, with ESCOM being the academic space with the highest level of violence. On the other hand, there were also didactic differences between teachers and a significant emotional distance in the relationship between peers, again greater in ESCOM.


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Author Biography

Silvia Ochoa Ayala, UPIICSA Instituto Politécnico Nacional

UPIICSA Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Doctor of Sciences with Specialization in Educational Research CINVESTAV


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How to Cite

Ochoa Ayala, S. (2023). Digital Knowledge Production in Education from a Gender Perspective. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (15), e2023n15a9.