Concepciones de tecnología: aproximaciones para el estudio en ingeniería




Technology, Conceptions, Engineering, University, Society


Models that present a linear, cumulative and deterministic view of technology have tried to be surpassed by other studies that propose new theoretical tools to rethink the relationship: Technology and Society. From these perspectives, the analysis of the evolution of an artifact does not stop only in its design, but does so especially in its symbolic meaning, in the function and in the value of use granted to it by a society. The various conceptions of technology that people create condition their practices and some can be facilitating, but they can also put a stop to understand the multiple meanings and implications that this knowledge can generate in its interaction with society. An important condition to consider when evaluating conceptions in general and as in our study, the conceptions of technology in particular, is to consider the inclusion of multiple levels of research that provide a more complete and enriching look through qualitative and quantitative study strategies. The analysis we present allows us to glimpse the complex plot of the study of "conceptions" as an object of study, in addition to recognizing the characteristics of the process of building methodological instruments and the difficulties raised around its measurement.


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Author Biographies

Milena Ramallo, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Master in Social Sciences, Mention in Education (FLACSO-Argentina Headquarters) and Professor in Educational Sciences (National University of Córdoba). Professor and Director of the Chair of Engineering and Society. Director of the Basic Teaching Unit for Culture and Languages. She is a Researcher at the Buenos Aires Regional School (National Technological University). Has numerous publications on Teaching Engineering, Science and Technology.

Elida Clara Repetto, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. University Professor in History (University of Buenos Aires). She is the Holder and Director of the Chair of Engineering and Society at the Buenos Aires Regional School, National Technological University. Argentina. She is a historian and researcher and has published several works on science and technology.

Rosa Giacomino, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. University Professor in Philosophy (UCA) and Mg. In Network Training Methodologies and Technologies (Univ. Of Verona). Associate Professor and researcher in the Chair of Engineering and Society at the Buenos Aires Regional School, National Technological University. Argentina.

Gerardo Denegri, Facultad Regional La Plata

La Plata Regional School and Buenos Aires Regional School. Professor in History, UNLP. Adjunct Professor of the chairs of Engineering and Society of the UTN FRBA and UTN FRLP. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, UNLP. Member of UTN FRBA and UTN FRLP Research projects and research projects at UNLP.

Marisa Zummer, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Professor of Secondary, Normal and Special Education in History, from the University of Buenos Aires. She has a degree in Educational Management from the University of Lanús. Professor of Engineering and Society at the Buenos Aires Regional School (UTN). She has participated in various research groups at the FRBA since 2009 and is a researcher categorized by the SPU since 2013.

Mariela Marone Varela, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Graduate and Professor in Philosophy (USAL) Postgraduate Expertise in Higher Education and New Technologies (Ministry of Education). In 1994 she entered teaching as a teaching assistant and since 2003 she has been a member of the Philosophical Anthropology chairs as associate and holder at the Universidad del Salvador. She is a teacher trainer at the Santa Ana y San Joaquín Tertiary Institute. She is a professor and researcher at the UTN FRBA.

Romina Orlando, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Professor of Middle and Higher Education in History, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires. Higher Diploma in Social Sciences with a mention in Management of Educational Institutions, FLACSO. Associate Professor of Engineering and Society, UTN FRBA. Professor of History at the Medium Level.

Esteban Cuerda, Facultad Regional La Plata

La Plata Regional College, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Professor in History from the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of La Plata (UNLP). He is a professor at the intermediate level. He is a professor of the subject of Engineering and Society, at the La Plata Regional School (UTN). He is Professor of the subject Identity, State and Society in Argentina and Latin America, at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Museum (UNLP).

María Eugenia Lardit, Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, Social Sciences, Teaching of Engineering and Educational Technology. Degree in administration. National University of Luján. Professor of the subject Evaluation and Management of Sustainable Engineering Projects, Mechanical Engineering, Buenos Aires Regional School (UTN). Member of research projects. Professional activity in the private sector.


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How to Cite

Ramallo, M., Repetto, E. C., Giacomino, R., Denegri, G., Zummer, M., Marone Varela, M., Orlando, R., Cuerda, E., & Lardit, M. E. (2020). Concepciones de tecnología: aproximaciones para el estudio en ingeniería. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (9-10), 83–103.