The confined youth

Everyday generic stresses during the student lockdown


  • Silvia Ochoa Ayala Instituto Politécnico Nacional



Youth, Confinement, Student strategies, Daily life, Gender


According to Hinde (2004), virtual ethnography in cyberspace puts in tension articulations such as the role of time and space, the place of communications and the media, as well as the real / virtual, truth / fiction dualities , technology / nature, man / woman. Today, a small being neither alive nor dead has hacked the constructed social order, has allowed the gaze that focuses the questioning of the artificial struggle between the natural and the social (Latour, 2008), between information and knowledge, has revealed the inequalities with greater rawness, creating pores through which as much as possible is filtered. Daily academic practices are the layer that shows us what has happened to the proposed strategies to bring school to life at home. On the other hand, the space occupied by gender relations has produced new networks that show the challenge to the heteronormative dichotomy. 210 students (99 women and 111 men) who are in the second semester of high school at the National Polytechnic Institute, have built a virtual story about their experience during self-confinement through images and brief descriptions, requested through school cyberspace.

The youthful narratives draw different ways of facing the changes in daily life, the images they shared are paintings that sustain this diversity in time and space. Young people reveal the possibility of a closer life in common, with tensions, with struggles for personal and shared places and the revaluation of the place of school in their life project. This work seeks to give an account of some aspects of the generic youth daily life in confinement and their efforts to maintain the link with the school.


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Author Biography

Silvia Ochoa Ayala, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Profesora de Tiempo completo en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Doctora en Ciencias por el DIE Cinvestav.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Ayala, S. (2021). The confined youth: Everyday generic stresses during the student lockdown. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (11).