The Teacher training from the profession and gender


  • Aurelio Vázquez Ramos Universidad Veracruzana
  • Ana Laura Carmona Guadarrama Universidad Veracruzana
  • Marisela Redondo Aquino Universidad Veracruzana



Teacher training, Disciplinary updating, Academic preparation, Pedagogical updating, Gender


The purpose was to identify the way in which the teacher training processes of the Faculties of Engineering and Pedagogy of the Veracruzana University in the Veracruz-Boca del Río metropolitan area have been built around academic work, since they are two professions socially typified for the male gender the first, by virtue of the number of men who study, exercise and teach it; the second profession studied, exercised and taught to a greater degree by the female gender. In this way, teacher training constituted a meeting point from which various categories were investigated, however, for the purposes of this work, only disciplinary updating, academic preparation and pedagogical updating are analyzed. The methodology is qualitative and the ethnographic method. Through biographical narratives, the way in which academic trajectories have been built through teacher training processes from their initial teacher training and professional teaching practice is addressed. A biographical interview was conducted with 10 academics, three men and two women, attached to the Faculty of Engineering and 2 academics and 3 academics attached to the Faculty of Pedagogy aged between 40 to 54 years, with more than 5 years of teaching experience in the upper level. The structure of the analysis was made up of 4 dimensions, namely: teacher training, professional and academic career and gender, which derived categories and subcategories. The results show, from the teaching narratives, a diversity of discourses around disciplinary updating, academic preparation and pedagogical updating. The conclusions allow us to contrast the meanings around the mentioned categories.


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Author Biographies

Aurelio Vázquez Ramos, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor of Education. Full-time academic attached to the Veracruz Region Pedagogy Faculty of the Universidad Veracruzana. Member of the Academic Body UV-CA-513 Education and Equity

Ana Laura Carmona Guadarrama, Universidad Veracruzana

Maestra en Investigación Educativa. Académica de Tiempo Completo adscrita a la Facultad de Pedagogía-Región Xalapa de la Universidad Veracruzana. Integrante del Cuerpo Académico UV-CA-513 Educación y Equidad.

Marisela Redondo Aquino, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor of Education. Full-time academic attached to the Faculty of Pedagogy-Xalapa Region of the Universidad Veracruzana. Member of the Academic Body UV-CA-513 Education and Equity


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How to Cite

Vázquez Ramos, A., Carmona Guadarrama, A. L., & Redondo Aquino, M. (2021). The Teacher training from the profession and gender. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (11).