The Art as a Facilitating Pedagogical Tool in Inclusive Education


  • María Camila Peraza Gómez
  • Myriam Yohana González Bohórquez Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios



Educational Inclusion is a process intrinsically related to the potentialization and development of a comprehensive education focused on diversity, the promotion of respect, and the establishment of methodologies or mechanisms of relevant action for the adequate connection of the student in their immediate environment. This process is founded or consolidated under the principles of participation, interculturality, equity and quality, considering diversity or multiculturalism as the central axis, aspects inherent to the human being, which promote open dialogue, coexistence, and reciprocal learning, that is, a comprehensive process that adapts to the needs of the individual. Therefore, it is important to consider art in inclusive education as a potentialization mechanism and facilitator of the harmonious development of the dimensions of boys and girls, and in the same way the incorporation of transversal pedagogical activities or tools that in turn facilitate the process teaching - learning.

The research project analyzes and describes the importance of the implementation of a variety of activities and pedagogical experiences such as music, dance, painting, theater, crafts, among others, allowing to strengthen the physical and cognitive process of students with various types of disabilities. The project presents a mixed approach with a type of Participant Action Research, using data collection instruments such as observation diaries, questionnaire, survey, and semi-structured interview. The results obtained are descriptive in nature and summarize the perceptions regarding the applied artistic activities. It should be noted that the progress presented by the students in the activities described and the benefits implied using art as a transversal strategy and articulated to academic or curricular content.

 Finally, the importance of innovation and pedagogical knowledge in the educational process of students with disabilities, as well as educational strategies and requirements that an art classroom must have in inclusive education, according to standards of the Colombian Ministry of Education.



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Author Biographies

María Camila Peraza Gómez

Degree in Children's Pedagogy

Myriam Yohana González Bohórquez, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Magister in Education, Zipaquirá. Cundinamarca. Colombia. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


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How to Cite

Peraza Gómez, M. C., & González Bohórquez, M. Y. (2021). The Art as a Facilitating Pedagogical Tool in Inclusive Education. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (11).