Comparative Constitutional Perspective on Education. The Cases of Switzerland and Mexico


  • Manuel Erasmo Suárez Martínez Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa



The objective of this research is to establish a comparative study in education based on the constitution of Mexico and Switzerland that allows to identify the differences and similarities from the perspective of the educational policies of each country, it’s administrative and operational structure, as well as the scope that each one of them is for the development of education. The importance of this study allows establishing a clear policy strategy and the success they have had in the results of their educational level achieved. Although in each country the configuration of the respective educational system has its own specificity, in general the cases share common elements in terms of cycles, levels, grades and age groups. We can affirm that education systems are the result of political, social, economic and educational trends and moments that occurred throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The distinctive features of the educational system of each country are clearly detailed and a comparison is made between the two. The changes that have taken place over time have sought to make its educational system more and more competitive and that its administration allows its education to be made more effective, since this is a key to the progress of the country and that allows it to be an essential element of socioeconomic status. We can conclude in the final part that there are significant successes that have allowed it to be a model to be followed at the international level and that its policies are aligned with the recommendations of international organizations.


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Author Biography

Manuel Erasmo Suárez Martínez, Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa

Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa. Master in Administration of Labor Justice. PhD candidate in Educational Policies


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How to Cite

Suárez Martínez, M. E. (2021). Comparative Constitutional Perspective on Education. The Cases of Switzerland and Mexico. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (12), e2021n12a2.