Sensitive Certainty:

Mirror in Which We Reflect Ourselves


  • Javier Reyes Bolaños



The objective of this article is to identify the presence of sensible certainty, in the program of the subject of Reading and writing Workshop I that is a taught in upper secondary education, based on the knowledge of the categories of thought of explanation Hegelian. The importance of the relationship between the upper and upper middle level was considered. The work was carried out based on the knowledge of the subject and its delivery. It is concluded that, indeed, in the reference study program, it is possible to identify the presence of sensitive certainty, without mentioning it as such in the program, or proposing to go beyond it and this constitutes a limitation in the intellectual formation of the students of the upper secondary level and their transition to the higher level.


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Author Biography

Javier Reyes Bolaños

 Colegio Superior para la Educación Integral Intercultural de Oaxaca – CSEIIO (México)


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How to Cite

Reyes Bolaños, J. (2021). Sensitive Certainty:: Mirror in Which We Reflect Ourselves. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (12), e2021n12a7.