Considerations for developing digital research skills in a virtual environment


  • Silverio Pérez Cáceres Universidad Veracruzana
  • Maritza Nava Mendoza Universidad Veracruzana
  • Araceli Huerta Chua Universidad Veracruzana
  • Elba Méndez Casanova Universidad Veracruzana



Project Based Learning (PBL), Flipped Classroom, Digital Research Skills, Educational Intervention Project


Research training is acquired by students in Mexico in high school by the subject of Methodology of Research and similar subjects like reading workshops and drafting; however, upon reaching the higher level, students have serious limitations in research skills. For this reason, this work presents the progress of an Educational Intervention Project that aims to account for digital skills for research in undergraduate students; It is based on the Action- Research methodology and is based on constructivism, focused on the skills approach. The group selected as the object of study are the students of the fourth semester group "A" of the Petroleum Process Engineering career at the Universidad para el Bienestar Benito Juárez García, at Poza Rica, Veracruz. In the diagnostic phase, the following instruments were applied: VAK test, study conditions test, semi-structured interviews, observation guides and an instrument made up of 43 questions that revealed the level of mastery over digital skills required by students to improve in research, since 83 % of Students do not use indexed databases to search for reliable sources of information, 66 % are not considered suitable to consult virtual libraries and 67 % do not consult articles and scientific journals when researching, due to these results the competencies of: search and selection of scientific texts and critical thinking in the analysis of scientific texts. Given the qualitative evaluation of the results obtained, it was determined that Project Based Learning (PBL), in flipped Classroom modality, is the guideline to design the strategy to be implemented in the Educational Intervention Project through which it is expected to develop digital research skills.


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Author Biographies

Silverio Pérez Cáceres, Universidad Veracruzana

Faculty of Ingeniería en Electrónica y Comunicaciones

Maritza Nava Mendoza, Universidad Veracruzana

Facultad de Pedagogía, Maestría en Gestión del Aprendizaje, Universidad Veracruzana

Araceli Huerta Chua, Universidad Veracruzana

Facultad de Pedagogía, Maestría en Gestión del Aprendizaje, Universidad Veracruzana

Elba Méndez Casanova, Universidad Veracruzana

Faculty of Pedagogy, Master in Learning Management, Universidad Veracruzana


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How to Cite

Pérez Cáceres, S., Nava Mendoza, M., Huerta Chua, A., & Méndez Casanova, E. (2021). Considerations for developing digital research skills in a virtual environment. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (12), e2021n12a13.