Modification of teaching practice with the use of ICT


  • María Cristina López de la Madrid Universidad Oberta de Cataluña
  • Cecilia Tejeda Mercado Universidad de Guadalajara



Teacher training schools are a fundamental sector for educational development, since they are the basis for the characterization of the teachers in charge of the classrooms, generally at the basic education levels. The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in this sector promotes a culture of efficient and relevant use for the improvement of the educational process, but this incorporation requires guidelines and guidelines to guide this process. This work is part of a broader investigation that investigated the main guidelines that have guided the implementation of ICT in the last 30 years in Mexico. For the purposes of this communication, one of the seven identified guidelines was chosen: The transformation / Modification of pedagogical / teaching practice from the use of ICT; To analyze some of the changes that have been generated in recent years, four information gathering techniques were used: the documentary analysis of the study programs and the didactic planning carried out by teachers, the semi-structured interview with Academic Directors and Coordinators of two normal schools located in the municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, and the design and application of a questionnaire to teachers from both schools and the application of a focus group. The results indicate that despite the fact that in the last thirty years policies have been dictated to promote the technological presence and the modification of pedagogical practices, in the plans and programs analyzed the presence of ICT is incipient; However, this data contrasts with that indicated by teachers and administrators, who affirm that they make a more intensive and diversified use of technology, so the triangulation of the data obtained gives a broader panorama of the real situation of ICT in the educational institutions.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina López de la Madrid, Universidad Oberta de Cataluña

Doctora en Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, por la Universidad Oberta de Cataluña. Adscrita a la Universidad de Guadalajara

Cecilia Tejeda Mercado, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctor in Higher Education Management, from the Universidad de Guadalajara. Attached to the Secretaría de Educación Jalisco


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How to Cite

López de la Madrid, M. C., & Tejeda Mercado, C. (2021). Modification of teaching practice with the use of ICT. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (12), e2021n12a15.