The International Dimension of Academic Work at the Universidad Veracruzana: quantitative analysis

quantitative analysis


  • Víctor Hugo Ramírez Ramírez Universidad Veracruzana



Higher Education, Internationalization, Academic Profession, Universidad Veracruzana


The present work belongs to the group of studies on the participation of scholars in the process of internationalization of higher education. It is part of a doctoral research and is based on a theoretical framework built on considerations of cultural capital (Bourdieu y Passeron, 1970; Bourdieu, 1979), the characteristics of academic work (Clark, 1991) and the participation of scholars in internationalization (Dewey y Duff, 2009). The study aims at answering the following research question: What are the institutional and international cultural capital factors that influence the internationalization of academic work conducted by the scholars at the University of Veracruz? The research approach is mixed and the strategy is defined as sequential explanatory (Cresswell, 2009). The quantitative phase is presented here, which is a sample statistical study. The results show agreement with the main previously mentioned theoretical assumptions even if interesting contradictions require the application of a qualitative type of analysis to be fully understood.


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Author Biography

Víctor Hugo Ramírez Ramírez, Universidad Veracruzana

Professor and researcher at the Universidad Veracruzana, in the field of Higher Education and in the line of research on the Internationalization of Higher Education.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Ramírez, V. H. (2023). The International Dimension of Academic Work at the Universidad Veracruzana: quantitative analysis: quantitative analysis. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (15), e2023n15a1.