The Creativity in the curriculum and resilience building


  • Inmaculada Navarro-González Universidad de Castilla la Mancha



Creativity, Curriculum, Soft Skills, Legislation, Resilience


This article describes the initiatives at the European level that advocate the development of resilience. The European Union offers guidelines to incorporate, from the educational systems, capacities such as resilience and other soft skills that help to develop it. In Spain, the recently approved Organic Law for the Modification of the LOE (LOMLOE) is the first educational law that makes explicit, in a broader way than previous laws, the incorporation of the development of soft skills into educational competencies. The article raises the need to incorporate these soft skills, linking them to the formation of resilient citizens who are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. The development of resilient capacity implies the enhancement of creative capacity, a soft skill understood as the ability to build new knowledge from other previously acquired knowledge and according to the demands of the context. Our proposal is that, in line with international recommendations and in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the LOMLOE should serve to promote the formation of resilient citizens who form communities and a social fabric capable of cushioning future adversities. The quality of the educational system must guarantee the promotion of strategies and soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity or emotional self-regulation to face the unpredictable. The article concludes with a brief description of the educational experience in the Republic of Korea where creativity is included in various forms, both in formal and informal education.


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Author Biography

Inmaculada Navarro-González, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha

Associate Professor at the University of Castilla la Mancha (Spain)


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How to Cite

Navarro-González, I. (2023). The Creativity in the curriculum and resilience building. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (15), e2023n15a3.