Educational innovation in post-pandemic: a look from distinct levels of analysis


  • Aydé Cadena López Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM
  • Lorena Litai Ramos Luna Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana



Education, Educational innovation, Pandemic, Education and training


Educational innovation is a field of study that arose from the expansion of the discourse of innovation to the educational field and with it the transfer of mercantile principles to pedagogical strategies and the design of educational public policies. Especially in higher education, educational innovation has been considered a way to achieve the parameters of efficiency and productivity, so it is particularly relevant to the problems that emerged and evidenced in the wake of the pandemic by Covid-19 and the challenges of the new normal. In this sense, the objective is to propose an analysis of the requirements to achieve an educational innovation, which allows us to face the challenges arising in higher education in Latin America within the context of post-pandemic. This is based on the establishment of different analytical levels -micro, meso and macro- that allow identifying and ordering the diversity of elements that concern educational innovation. The present descriptive study revolves around the integration of educational innovation as a diverse field of study and of different analytical levels, the reasons for analyzing this field in the context of the pandemic and the requirements for achieving educational innovation in the post-pandemic scenario, through an analysis conducted from the aforementioned levels. That is based on the contributions and implications that this has in educational practice, starting from the social distancing and facing the return to face classes. The study contributes to the current debate on educational innovation, analyzing by levels the elements required to respond to new demands in education. It is concluded that this allows identifying the contributions that can be made from educational innovation in terms of teachers and students, educational institutions, and the context of Latin America.


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How to Cite

Cadena López, A., & Ramos Luna, L. L. . (2023). Educational innovation in post-pandemic: a look from distinct levels of analysis. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (15), e2023n15a17.