Technological Competence of Students and Teachers of the Master's Degree Program


  • Nimrod Rubén Aguilar Benítez Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña
  • Claudia Elena López Rolón Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña
  • Agustina Subeldía Coronel Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña



Technological Competence, Moodle Platform, Higher Education, TIC


The social distancing imposed in different countries as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led higher education institutions to continue with academic activities using information and communication technologies (ICT), through of the different educational platforms, as was given in the master's degree of the National Institute of Higher Education «Dr. Raúl Peña» (INAES) from Paraguay, in the year 2022, the post-pandemic, with the Moodle platform. The main objective of this study was to determine the degree of technological competence of the students and teachers of the INAES master's degrees, cohorts 2020-2022 and 2021-2023, for the use of the Moodle educational platform. The data was collected in 2022, through surveys, through questionnaires. The research was developed under a quantitative approach, descriptive scope and non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The research findings reveal that, in general, teachers have better technological skills than students. The dimensions from which the research was approached were office tools, web environment and digital resources on the web. Through which it was possible to observe greater weakness in students and teachers in relation to the management of office tools.


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Author Biographies

Nimrod Rubén Aguilar Benítez, Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña

Doctorate and Master in Educational Research from the National Institute of Higher Education «Dr. Raúl Peña», Lawyer, Poet and Composer. Develop research in the Field of Higher Education

Claudia Elena López Rolón, Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña

Doctorate and Master in Educational Research from the National Institute of Higher Education «Dr. Raúl Peña”, Lawyer.

Agustina Subeldía Coronel, Instituto Nacional de Educación Superior Dr. Raúl Peña

Doctoral student in education from the National Institute of Higher Education Dr. Raúl Peña, Paraguay. Master in Educational Policy from the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Statistical Mathematics from the National University of Asunción, Paraguay. Categorized by PRONII (CONACYT).


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How to Cite

Aguilar Benítez, N. R. ., López Rolón, C. E. ., & Subeldía Coronel, A. (2024). Technological Competence of Students and Teachers of the Master’s Degree Program. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (16), e2023n16a1.