Temporality and organizational change in university educational models


  • Lorena Litai Ramos Luna Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana




organizational change, institutional projects, temporality, higher education, pandemic


The objective of this paper is to analyze how the forms of temporary organization promoted in an emergent way, to give continuity to the substantive functions of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, generated an organizational change. Through a documentary review, the case of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and the actions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic are taken up. The document is structured in three sections. The first explains the concepts of organizational change, temporality, and institutional projects. The second section analyzes the particularities of the Emerging Remote Education Project (PEER) and the Program for the Transition of Education in the Mixed Modality (PROTEMM), specifying limits, objectives, and transition process. The third part analyzes the organizational change expressed in the recognition of the use of different educational modalities ranging from face-to-face to virtual, embodied in the Academic Model of Collaborative Construction of Learning (MAACA). It is concluded that the organizational change is perceptible from the institutionalization of the distance education model.


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How to Cite

Ramos Luna, L. L. . (2024). Temporality and organizational change in university educational models. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (16), e2023n16a5. https://doi.org/10.25087/resur16a5